Copelandia Cyanescens

also known as the Hawaiian magic mushroom

Copelandia Cyanescens

This particular strain is nicknamed ‘The Hawaiian’ as it’s commonly consumed on Hawaii. But, this psychoactive mushroom originates from Asia. The Copelandia Cyanescens is part of a species of fungi that contain tryptamine alkaloids. By tryptamine alkaloids, we mea Psilocybin and/or Psilocin, which we probably know are the psychoactive compounds that shrooms contains.

Of the 10 species of fungi that contain these active compounds, they belong to several groups of families including: Psilocybe (the most common type of magic mushroom with 117 species), Gymnopilus (13 species), Copelandia (12 species), Mycena, Galerina, Agrocybe and a handful of others.

Extremely high potency grow kit!

Are you looking on how to grow your own Panaeolus Subbalteatus magic mushrooms, and are you seeking a reliable supplier who understands your need and know how to satisfy you easily?

No More: Dung, rotted and or composting hay!

Our Copelandia big brother "Hawaiian" grow kits contain 100% populated substrate for growing Panaeolus Subbalteatus, and are guaranteed to deliver several flushes and as much as 4 harvests, depending on your maintenance.

Where The Psilocybe Species Flourishes 

When you think of Mexico, you may think of its pristine beaches and delicious tacos, but did you know Mexico is one of the most ideal places for magic mushrooms (particularly those of the Psilocybe genre)? That’s because most of the species belonging to the Psilocybe group can be found in humid, subtropical forests (which is a large part of Mexico’s territory). Interestly enough, New Guinea shares a similar climate to Mexico, which is why they also boast so many of these types of shrooms, too. In mexico, roughly 40% of all of the Psilocybe species can be traced back there, making Mexico one of the world’s hot spots for magic mushrooms.

Background Information of Magic Mushrooms

Magic mushrooms may seems like a fad or something fun to do, but they're actually been around for a very long time. In fact, there are cave paintings from 9000 BC in northern Algeria that show mushrooms spread around their bodies which suggests that mushrooms were used in a psychoactive way. These weren’t just mushrooms to eat, rather they were mushrooms to consume to reveal life’s mysteries. The history of shrooms doesn’t just end there. China has an acneit recipe that cures “laughing sickness” all the way back from the 2nch century Chin dynasty. The laughing sickness is thought to be accidental ingestion of magic mushrooms!

Heading way back into history, we can see implications of the use of magic mushrooms in Thailand around 15000 BC. Scientists are able to determine this due to the fact that human bones were buried alongside the bones of cattle. In this region of Thailand, Non Nak Tha, mushrooms grew on the manure of cattle. For many scientists, this proves that the people of this region revered cattle for allowing them to grow magic mushrooms.

Gordon Wasson, known for his extensive research on magic mushrooms, visited Central and South America where the use of magic mushrooms was common until Spaniards arrived. He noted that the Mixtec’s god of hallucinatory plants and magic mushrooms, known as Seven Flower, is portrayed with mushrooms in his hands, alluding to the significance in these indigenous cultures.

Experiments With Magic Mushrooms and the Psychedelic Movement

Fast forwarding from the ancient era to the modern world, extensive research has been conducted by none other than Dr. Albert Hoffman, You may have heard that name before as he not only discovered the active ingredients of magic mushrooms (Psilocybin and Psilocin) bu he also discovered LSD. On top of that, Hoffman was able to create synthetic forms of Psilocybin and Psilocin. Thanks to Hoffman’s research, he was able to help popularize the muse of magic mushrooms in Western cultures to be used as a hallucinogenic, recreational medicine.

More Background on Copelandia Cyanescens

While this magic mushroom has been linked to Hawaii due to its popularity there, the magic mushroom wasn’t introduced to the island until the early 1800s. There were no cattle on the Hawaiian islands until cattle had been exported from the Philippines to Hawaii. As we know, these magic mushrooms like to grow on cow manure. Now that there were cows in a hot, humid environment, the magic mushrooms were able to flourish in the humid Hawaiian climate.

But, Hawaii is not the only place where Copelandia Cyanescens magic mushrooms grow. You can find this magic mushroom growing in Mexico, Bolivia, Brazil, the Philippines, Australia, Bali, Indonesia, Southeast Asia and the USA.This species belonging to the Coprinaceae family is primarily coprophilic, but can also be found in grassy areas if manure has been freshly applied. 

Appearance of Copelandia Cyanescens

You’ll be able to tell the Copelandia Cyanescens apart by its relatively small size, thin stem and light colored head. One thing that differentiates this magic mushroom is its bruisability. With a touch too firm, the mushroom will begin to turn blue instantly; just like a bruise.

Active Ingredients of Copelandia Cyanescens

The one thing about this magic mushroom to note is that the concentration of Psilocybin and Psilocin is higher than any other magic mushrooms that’s known of today. This is based on research from Schultes and Hofmann in 1980 and still holds valid to this day. But, the only catch is that Psilocin is less stable than Psilocybin, so you have to consume them fresh in order to catch some of the Psilocin. Psilocybin tens to last longer (in fact, there have been samples of 115-year old mushrooms that have still held onto their psilocybin properties for over a century). Both produce a similar effect on the brain, increasing dopamine levels.

Effects of Copelandia Cyanescens

As with any magic mushroom, you’re going to experience some mind-altering, psychedelic effects. Many have claimed that Psilocybin allows them to visit the spiritual world. If you’ve ever wanted to try LSD or wondered what i’d be like, you can look to magic mushrooms for the answer. Except the experience from magic mushrooms is about 200 times less powerful than that of the trip with LSD. There are a few universal side effects with this magic mushroom you can expect, such as relaxed muscles and cold feeling in the extremities as well as the abdomen.

When taken in higher doses, people who take this kind of magic mushroom often feel distorted sense of space and time, as if they’re in a new world. This is when deep thoughts emerge and philosophical questions are raised. You’ll also feel more creative and innovative. It may be overwhelming for first time users until they get used to it, but many magic mushroom trippers welcome the experience and know how to control it much better with experience.

Naturally, you’re going to have a one of a kind experience each and every time you decide to do shrooms. Magic mushrooms differ from things like weed and alcohol because they depend so much on your current state of mind, thoughts and feelings. Therefore, every time you decide to trip, it’ll be completely new and unique.

In particular, Copelandia Cyanescens is incredibly strong. It’s much stronger than any other Cubensis mushroom out there and tends to be the strongest mushroom available. You’ll notice a different trip on Copelandia Cyanescens, too. It’s described as being much more tropical, with more vibrant colors and the trip being much more vivid visually.

For the experienced psychonaut only!

The trip takes about 6 hours and wears down gradually. The interval between hallucinations gets longer, until they disappear completely.

These mushrooms contain more active substances than other species. The Panaeolus subbalteatus contains approximately 0,7% psilocybin and 0,46% baeocystin along with large amounts of serotonin and 5-hydroxytryptophan. It does not contain psilocin. Experimental research demonstrates that serotonin can not reach the brain when taken orally. Nevertheless, the trip reports of the Panaeolus subbalteatus are different from mushrooms that contain only psilocybin; they are more empathogenic and aphrodisiac and yet still very hallucinating.

— Buy the Panaeolus subbalteatus growkit here and enjoy the copelandia effect!

Copelandia Cyanescens Dosage

The proper dosage depends on the way you’re planning on consuming the mushrooms. If the mushrooms are “wet” (meaning not direid), then you should consume 7-10 mushrooms (about 10 grams). If you’ve got dry mushrooms, you’ll need far less mass; just 1-2 grams of the dried variety. From there, you can decide whether you’d like to consume them as is or you can also make a “tea” of them by brewing the mushrooms in warm water for 5-10 minutes. Instead of water, you can opt for some hot chocolate or orange juice. Orange juice is highly recommended anyways as the vitamin C helps the absorption of the psychoactive compounds.

You’ll notice that there are some side effects when you take the mushrooms, just like with alcohol. You may feel slightly more cold or nauseous after the first few minutes of ingesting the magic mushrooms. Just breathe and don’t think too much about it. Having a “bad trip” is often the result of think too much about what’s going on in your body and worrying. You just need to let go and enjoy the trip, wherever it takes you. Also note that psilocybin can trigger psychotic episodes and uncover hidden mental illness.

Combing Copelandia Cyanescens

As a general rule of thumb you shouldn’t combine any other drugs (recreational or prescription) with magic mushrooms. In particular, you should be extremely cautious if you take MAO inhibitors. In fact if you’re on an MAO inhibitor, you can take twice the dose and the effects would last nearly 2 hours longer.

Another popular combination with magic mushrooms is with marijuana. Marijuana often interferes with clear thinking as you ascend into your high, but it can help extend the trip if you smoke weed on the comedown.

Growing and Storing Copelandia Cyanescens

SInce this strain is a bit more delicate and harder to frown than popular strains like Psilocybe Cubensis, it will be a bit more difficult but still definitely possible to grow this mushroom at home.Fresh mushrooms can be stored in the fridge for two weeks (the fresher they are, the better they taste) mean chwile dried mushrooms can last for years.

Order your Copelandia Cyanescens growkit here.

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Our Panaeolus Subbalteatus Mushroom Grow Kits are 100% colonized with mycelium substrate to achieve the highest possible yields. You do not have to immerse yourself in water, spraying now and then is enough! If you follow our instructions, nothing can go wrong! Grow the very best mushrooms with minimal effort!

The one and only ready to grow shroom kit on the market to grow your own Hawaiian magic mushrooms! Harvest 300 - 400 grams!

Panaeolus Subbalteatus

If you’re a magic mushroom enthusiast, you’ve likely heard of the “Panaeolus Subbalteatus” shroom before. Since the full name is a mouthful, it often goes by “Hawaiian Mushroom” or “Copelandia Cyanescens”. This type of magic mushroom is also known as Copeland's big brother and is one of the most potent types of shrooms availables.

Despite this magic mushrooms nickname being Hawaiian mushroom, it has nothing to do with Hawaii. In fact, this mushrooms is grown most commonly in Europe and grows best in early spring and fall. The Panaeolus subbalteatus also grows in Asia and the Americas as well, thriving in a humid environment. This magic mushroom grows best in fields sprinkled with horse manure. If you’re growing this mushroom at home or tracking this type of mushroom in the wild, you’ll notice it begins to grow with a convex cap, but flattens out over time. You can expect the cap to be from 2 to 6 cm in width.

The psychoactive substances contained within the Panaeolus subbalteatus include roughly 0.7% psilocybin and 0.46% baeucystun. On top of that, there are concentrations of amino acids that act as precursors to the formation of serotonin, namely 5-hydroxytryptophan, also known as 5-htp. While this magic mushroom does have serotonin, it is not able to impact the brain when taken orally, but the 5-htp is able to act on the brain and help your body create its own serotonin. This particular magic mushroom does not contain psilocin. Because this magic mushroom contains no psilocin, the effects tend to be more empathogenic and aphrodisiac while also experiencing hallucinations effects as well.

NOTE: There’s no such thing as a perfect grow kit with 100% guaranteed results. While our grow kits use the best resources possible, you may encounter problems with this particular strain of shrooms. The Copelandia Cyanescens is not intended for beginners. It’s quite intricate and requires more care than cubensis grow kits (which are much more popular). The average yield is between 300 and 400 grams, though results are not guaranteed. We make growing your own Panaeolus Subbalteatus as easy as possible so that your chances of getting a fruitful yield are much higher. We ship all over the world discreetly. 

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